embers from the soldiers' campfire were placed on a bent sheet of iron

latter. Many other orators spoke after the excited nobleman, and all in

"What else did he say to you? What are those verses? Read them..." said


physical causes; but Princess Mary thought he wished to tell her

something more which he had perhaps left untold. Pierre in shamefaced

title of Emperor and showing him every respect, though five years before

antagonists. The masonic dinners were dull and dreary when he was not

tumblers on it jumped about. "Telyanin! 'What? So it's you who's

happiness I wish for," she added, feeling that she was telling an

The glow of the first fire that began on the second of September was

passing. Natasha apparently tried not to be a burden or a hindrance to

persons, briskly turning a shoulder to the orator at the end of a

completely altered. He was not rich, but would spend his last groat to

something. It was a coffin with bones inside. He was not at all

He looked at her without moving and saw that she wanted to draw a deep

guests were all conversing with one another. "The Razumovskis... It was

"The general on duty, quick! It's very important!" said he to someone

and other historians with profound respect, were as follows:

to what Pfuel's opponents and practical men of experience in warfare had

temper. But he is impossible: such a child! I don't know what would

Guards in Moscow, is it possible that the enemy's forces confronting you

removed to Bogucharovo. Seventy quarters of grain had also been carted

prominent upper teeth, and wearing a black cloak and cap. This woman,

there would probably be an engagement that day or the next, and giving


that lay on the bank. At a mute sign from him, a telescope was handed

being bombarded by a hundred and thirty guns which Napoleon had ordered

like all those Polish names."

her." And he vividly pictured to himself Natasha, not as he had done in

and asked how much he owed.

would follow the same old road, or that new path so attractively shown

is incorrect and that the real course of the battle is better known to

that went on around him and to note it down. At the time of the meeting

gestures, that Pierre, unconsciously smiling in response to the

walked slowly without raising his pistol, looking intently with his

general safety."

behind the Emperor. The Apsheron men, excited by the Tsar's presence,

The little princess grumbled to her maid that her bed was badly made.

Pelageya Danilovna, having given orders to clear the rooms for the

fwashing him... Well, I've had a bit of fun I can tell you!" cried

Prince Andrew, pale and gloomy like everyone in the regiment, paced up

Russians surrounded Pierre.


are all going to ----'s."

having once begun to analyze he ought to go on and explain further why

Natasha, the young Melyukovs' favorite, disappeared with them into the

major-domo stood at the porch talking to an elderly orderly and to a

movement, and those sounds. He turned to look at Kutuzov and his suite,

such peace all around, such blessedness, that one don't want to come

"Yes, alone, for the sake of all, I must do it or perish!" he thought.

understand. I was there all the time giving orders and had only just

"On the contrary, your Highness, in indecisive actions it is always the

"Then I may reckon on it, your excellency?"

at the recollection and turning to Makarin who gazed rapturously at him

but in the center where the men with a flag of truce had passed that

In reply to the count's anxious inquiries as to why she was so dejected

Bonaparte, and to cause me, and us in general, annoyance and

Otradnoe and showed him his last letter.

Auersperg was defending, and the bridge was not blown up: so Murat is

despite the general's presence were talking loudly and gesticulating. In

Since the ball he had felt the approach of a fit of nervous depression

mock me so... and now!" He was in a state of physical suffering as if

* "Woman is man's companion."

clearly see, that ladder leading from plant to man, why should I suppose

stuff. Such magnanimity and sensibility are like the magnanimity and

one of Russia's oldest generals would be captured or killed, and he

I'll take them where they must go, scold them a bit, and pet them a

fertile woman. The old fire very rarely kindled in her face now. That

clean-shaven and in a full-dress uniform he had not worn for a long

struck everyone by his preoccupied, absent-minded, and morose air.

gave rein to his Donets horse and galloped to intersect the path of the

This meant that Tikhon was not handing him the waistcoat he wanted.

I shall lead the army."

was particularly noticeable on Nesvitski's usually laughing countenance.

beside Vereshchagin.

from an ensign and became Emperor. Well, well, God grant it," he added,

always busy and always felt in a state of mild and cheerful

service, and the appointment he seeks in Turkey comes to nothing. During

amusement--almost a pastime," said Pierre. "For instance, he is

As when a window is opened a whiff of fresh air from the fields enters a

and went out. Natasha had put on one spurred boot and was just getting

important matter. Pierre saw that there was a conspiracy against him and

speak, so now she could not believe that that little creature could be

us, though already questionably, to be the outcome of their heroes'

principally in the unnaturalness of his relation to the woman and in a

Nicholas Rostov, awarded a St. George's Cross of the Fourth Class for

approaching the fire. As he was going along a foot path across a wide-

found her nephew there with his tutor, and a letter from Prince Andrew

Nicholas neither saw nor heard Daniel until the chestnut, breathing

army because he wished to, or because he was very stupid, would be as

He blushed hotly, raised his eyes to hers, and said:

deserted and ruined village to which he had come in search of

In the meantime, not only was it known in the maidservants' rooms that

haste at the Frenchwoman, her voice breaking: "It's horrible, vile,

swayed from side to side.

reproached them for doing so; now expelled all the French residents from

paper from his writing table. "Here!" and he handed it to Prince Andrew.

again hemmed in.

She passed into the sitting room, stood there thinking awhile, and then

girl, such tact, such masterly perfection of manner! It comes from her


"Have you sought for means of attaining your aim in religion?"

find out where Dolokhov was and whether he would come that evening.

The two generals and the adjutant took hold of the field glass, trying

looking carelessly about him.

first Kutuzov stood still while the regiment moved; then he and the

But the staff officer did not finish what he wanted to say. A cannon

illness of the wealthy and celebrated beau of Catherine's day, Count

those who were disputing honestly.

kissed him at the same time. Only his mother was not there, he noticed

He looked about him absently. Thousands of eyes were looking at him from

and the curtain dropped. Once more there was a terrible noise and

he is! Now don't think badly of me or of him. I don't think badly of

"and without holding on to anything. Is that right?"

and inapt but she attained her object. The conversation was resumed, and